What is Reflexology and how it works?
Reflexology is a holistic therapy that is based on the idea that reflex areas, placed mostly in feet and hands, correspond with other parts and organs in the body. The therapeutic technique involves pressing with the tip of thumb and fingers in the reflex points, for example middle of the big toe corresponds with the pituitary gland, whilst big toe represents the whole head and neck. Therefore when the middle of the toe is pressed the pituitary gland becomes activated. This is usually more tender area.
Pressing the reflex points increases blood circulation, which in turn improves the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all body cells. It also improves lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins. As the blood flow improves, also nerve impulses work at the more optimum level and neuropathways in the nervous system become unblocked. All these contribute to the better management of homeostasis (balance).
How Reflexology helps ?
The human body continuously works to maintain its balance adequate to its current need, e.g. temperature control and heart rate during exercise, as certain bodily functions are slowed down or activated depending on the current priority. In a state of stress for example digestion is slowed down, but should return to an optimum level when the danger/situation causing the stress response is removed. Prolonged stress may disrupt this process and it often cumulates over the years. Reflexology helps to rebuild the balance of the body and helps with its maintenance, meaning that has also a preventative effect. The main effects of reflexology also include relaxation of body and mind, in other words the alleviation of stress. This in itself may promotes someone’s homeostasis, for example in the state of relaxation the digestion process will be restored, which by itself will further improve delivery of nutrients and elimination of waste. It may reduce pain, improve sleep, mood, productivity and overall quality of life.
Reflexology can work on specific areas of the body as the reflexes correspond to the organs and body parts. This only helps to work to the level at which the targeted organ’s function is rebalanced, but cannot make it unbalanced, although some minor reactions can be noticed, for example a runny nose, temporary tiredness.
Even though reflexology is a form of therapy it is not used to diagnose (name a disease), does not prescribe or adjust any medication and does not treat any specific condition.